Happy Valentine’s Day! This holiday, include kids in the fun with this simple Valentine Sensory Activity kids will love. This activity can be set up in seconds and will keep kids engaged, learning and having fun!
My students and children love playing with shaving cream. They love the feel of the fluffy foam on their hands and simply watching how it moves. Any sensory activity that includes shaving cream tends to be very popular and exciting for kids.
I had this Valentine sensory activity prepared for my kindergarten children to do during our Valentine’s Day celebrations. However, I had a whole period (30+ minutes to fill) and although I knew they’d enjoy it, I didn’t think the activity would last long. I was wrong! I ended up having to stop my children from playing because our time was up!

It’s such as simple idea, but great hands on play. For another set of hands-on activity for kids check out 37 Valentines Day STEM Activities and a popular shaving cream sensory activity Fun Sensory Play for Kids.
Valentines Day Sensory Activity Materials
My favorite thing about this activity is that I already had all of the materials. All you need is:
- Sealable Baggies
- Shaving Cream
- Red Paint
- Foam Balls/Sparkles etc.
I used one can of shaving cream for my class (25 children) each child only needs a small amount, so you won’t go through a lot of shaving cream.
For the coloring I used paint, but you can also use food coloring. I liked the paint because it was washable, but you can use whatever you have on hand.
I added some foam balls and sparkles to add to the sensory experience. You don’t need to include these in your bag, but my students love feeling them.
Making Your Sensory Bag
To create your Valentines sensory bag, start by opening a clear sealable bag and squirting a small amount of shaving cream into the bag. Add roughly the size of a clementine to the bag.
If you add too much the bag will be too fluffy and children won’t be able to feel to the bottom of the bag/table. They also won’t be able to push the shaving cream in to fill the heart because there will be too much shaving cream to be able to separate it.
After adding the shaving cream, add a squirt of red paint. The more paint you add, the darker pink the shaving cream will become. Next, you can add some foam balls and sparkles.
Seal the bag and you’re ready to play!
Valentines Day Sensory Activity
Once the bag is sealed, you can give it to children. I reminded my students not to open the bag or poke it because it can pop.
Children can start mixing the shaving cream and paint throughout the bag. They will love watching the white cream slowly turn pink!
If you have younger children, the bags can be taped to a table or surface so that they are not moved around.
Kids can squish the shaving cream into the heart to fill this section. This is a great fine motor activity and sensory play.
Challenge children to make sure that no white shaving cream is left and it is fully mixed.
My students loved watching the color change and enjoyed this hands-on Valentine sensory activity created just for them!
Holiday Activity for Kids
If you included the foam balls, challenge children to find the balls within the shaving cream. They feel interesting to press down on through the shaving cream and kids can count them and move them around through the shaving cream.
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