Free Printable Math Game for Preschool and Kindergarten

Learning to count is an essential skill all children need to master. Often these numbers are picked up through regular play, but adding some focused games and play based activities are a great way to master these skills. This free printable math game is a simple, yet effective way to work on the numbers from one to twenty.

The game was originally created to be given to families in the spring or summer, who had children starting kindergarten in the fall. It gives families a chance to play the game with their child before they start school.

The game is simple and straightforward and allows parents to focus on the numbers and other concepts that would benefit the child to be familiar with before entering the classroom.

Play the game. Learn the numbers and be inspired to continue the fun when you’re done.

free printable math game shows a pinterest image.

Free Printable Math Game Materials

The other great thing about the game is that you only need a die, some counter/player pieces and the printable game board. Learning numbers doesn’t need to be expensive.

You can use virtually anything for the counters, coins, small stones, buttons etc. Virtually anything small can work!

Two players are ideal to play this game, but you can play with more, or have a child play independently to practice.

The instructions for the game are also included. This allows you to print the game board with the instruction on the back if you choose to send it with families.

free printable math game shows a printable game sheet, green die and buttons.

Once you have the materials, you’re ready to play!

Printable Math Worksheet Game

The game board is colorful and engaging for children. A color copy and black and white page is included in the free download.

math worksheet for kindergarten shows a snakes and ladders type game in back and white.

The black and white and color game boards are the same, but if you printing a lot of copies of the game, the black and white is a great option.

The game focuses on the numbers 1-20 which is ideal for young children.

counting game for young kids shows a snakes and ladders type game in color.

How to Play the Free Printable Math Game

Players start by placing their counter/player piece on Start.

Players take turns rolling the die and moving their counter forward the number shown on the die.

The first player to the space that says End wins.

The game is similar to Snakes and Ladders, but it is simplified so that players have to travel in order and move onto each number before they reach the end. There is no way to fast track and skip numbers.

free printable math game shows two children playing a math game.

If you are using the game to work on counting and numbers, try counting out loud as you move. As an adult modelling this for children is a great way for them to hear the numbers and see how to properly count.

Another tip is to make sure to say the number only as you move to the number on the board. Move the counter, then say the number, then move to the next number and then say the number. This one-to-one correspondence is a skill that will be focused on in the kindergarten classroom and helps children count accurately.

You can also use this strategy for counting the dots on the die. Young children can touch the dots to count the number represented on the die.

The more you play and use dice, hopefully children will learn to subitize. Subitizing is the skill of being able to look at a small group of objects, such as dots on a die, and know how many there are, without having to count.

Continue taking turns until players reach the end or make it a race and play until one player gets to the end.

Extension Ideas

There are lots of extension activities that you can try after playing the game. Since this counting game was created to hand out to parents in preparation for school, there is a section on the instructions for parents to extend the learning.

free printable math game shows the instruction sheet.

Using the game board, have children find and name various shapes that they see. There is intentionally different shapes used on the number path. Children may identify circles, squares, triangles and even trapezoids. Try counting how many of each they see.

Another key concept the free printable math game board includes is patterns. Looking at the board children may notice the pattern with the colors used. The path follows the color order of, pink, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple. Challenge children to follow the pattern and discuss what colors would continue the patter after the End.

The black and white copy also includes a patter of grey, white, grey white and so on. With either board children can identify patterns.

Children may also notice a pattern with the shapes. There is a pattern of four squares, triangle, trapezoid, triangle and then this repeats.

Identifying Numbers

Once you have played the game, you can also ask children to find certain numbers on the board. For example, can you find the number 10? If children have trouble finding the number, encourage them to count on from a number they do recognize until they get to the number 10.

Numbers Around You

Continue to make math meaningful, by playing another game using the board. Walk around your home, or any location and look for each of the numbers on the board. Children may notice numbers on a clock, food packages or even coins.

As each number is found, place an object on the number on the game board until all numbers have been found.

Extending the game beyond the game board is a great way to work on number skills, plus playing as a hide and seek type game of finding each number will keep kids learning and engaged for hours.

You can also easily use this game in the classroom. Either as a center or small group activity. Place and die with a gameboard and have children race.

counting game show three dice. one blue, one purple and one green.

If you have children who are ready to work with larger numbers, try using two dice. This will make the game move a lot faster as children will move on the board quickly, but they will also work on addition as they add the dots on both die to move.

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4 responses to “Free Printable Math Game for Preschool and Kindergarten”

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