Easy Halloween Craft for Kindergarten

There are lots of beautiful crafts for kids to make. When I create crafts with kindergarten, I love finding projects that are going to last and something that I know parents will proudly display. This easy Halloween craft for kindergarten turned out even better than I expected and my students were so proud of their creations.

Another part of our kindergarten expectations is to give children choice when creating. This project allows kids to choose from five different designs and create it how they want.

Children can create a wrapped up mummy, adorable pumpkin, cute cat, spooky Frankenstein or a wonderful ghost! There are lots of choices and everyone can choose their favorite.

At home, my own children ended up creating the whole set of Halloween characters. They look great together and I’m excited to display them every Halloween!

easy Halloween craft for kids shows a pinterest image.

Easy Halloween Craft for Kindergarten

One thing I have to take into account when creating with a large group is the cost. Luckily this project was inexpensive. I bought two long pieces of wood and had it cut into 4-6 inch pieces. Two pieces gave me more then enough for my whole class. You don’t need special wood, the cheaper the better.

The thickness isn’t important, but you do want to make sure it is thick enough that it will stand on its own.

For this project you will need:

easy Halloween craft for kids shows a stack of 4 wooden blocks.
  • Wood Blocks (Cut to 4-6 inches each)
  • Paint
  • Hot Glue (Used by an adult)
  • Gauze
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Fake Leaves
  • Halloween Ribbon
  • Googly Eyes
  • Purple Beads

Painting Your Halloween Craft

Depending which design children chose, the first step is to paint the entire block the solid color. I recommend acrylic paint because it tends to be a bit thicker and covers imperfections better. However, it is not typically as washable as other paints.

halloween craft project shows five wooden blocks painted.

This is an easy step because kids can easily paint their block. The ghost is fully white. Frankenstein is green. The pumpkin is orange and the cat is black. Pain the mummy a greyish white.

easy Halloween craft for kids shows a grey and orange block.

Make sure the whole block is painted the solid color. This may take more then one coat.

easy halloween art project shows a wooden block painted black.

At this stage you can also add a layer of gloss to your wooden block. It helps preserve the art and looks beautiful. It’s a great option to give kids.

Easy Halloween Craft for Kindergarten

Once the block is fully painted, children can add the details and faces. We used some DIY stamps for the faces. I used foam and cut it into different shapes, such as triangles for the pumpkins eyes and shaped half circles for the cat eyes.

Once I cut the shape out of the foam, I use hot glue to stick the foam to a small wooden block. The block is what the children held as they stamped.

easy halloween craft for kids shows five wooden blocks painted Halloween themed, a ghost, mummy, Frankenstein, cat, pumpkin.

Depending which design children chose, they then dipped the foam stamp into black paint and stamped it onto the wooden block. This created the eyes, nose or other detail on their painted block. Children that wanted to paint on their own use paint brushes to add these details.

easy halloween craft for kids shows a pumpkin craft.
easy halloween craft for kids shows a ghost block craft.

Once the black paint had been added for the faces, and it had dried, the extra details were glued on.

Children chose colors and pieces that they wanted to add. For the pumpkin, children curled a pipe cleaner and glued it on top of the pumpkin along with a leaf.

The ghost had a ribbon added to the top which makes it adorable!

Add a pipe cleaner bent into an “M” shape and then glued to the top. The Frankenstein has a small bead glued to the side of his head.

easy halloween craft for kids shows a black cat art project made from a wooden block.
art project for kids shows a Frankenstein wooden block craft.

The ghost was a favorite to create. Children added large googly eyes and then wrapped gauze all around their wooden block.

art for kids shows a mummy made from a wooden block wrapped with gauze.

Final Project

All of the little details create an adorable easy Halloween craft for kindergarten, preschool or even older children. Since the end result is always wonderful, kids are really proud of what they create.

easy Halloween craft for kids shows five wooden block characters.

They’re a great craft for kids to create to give to parents, or even grandparents. Happy Halloween!


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